Below we will post links to articles that we have found interesting or relevant to the Hospitality sector
Wednesday 10 March 2021
To be more comfortable to visit a Hospitality venue, I for one would agree with this widespread use of Vaccine Passports.
However, the logistics of getting it organised are enormous, as without photographic proof of identity the passport would mean nothing at all.
This looks like a good opportunity for smaller businesses that cannot afford big-budget advertising.
Please do take the time to complete this survey.
As part of this Industry you are best placed to comment on what we need from those entering our sector for the first time.
We recommend that you take the time to check if you are eligible for these grants, as any help at this time could be invaluable.
Good to see that Tomahawk have come to their senses.
It was stupid behaviour in the first place.
We live and learn, and we always learn from our failures.
Test & Trace was a great idea, but largely it just didn’t work.
We learn for the next time.
Tuesday 9 March 2021
It is good to see the industry being formally recognised as needing further assistance.
Well, at least we are now being practical and realistic.
It is in our hands as a population to make this work and reduce further the ‘R’ number.
This could be a useful event for anyone still unsure how the new law will affect them.
Good to see this emphasis on recruiting future stars for the Industry.
There are some very wise words here from Kwasi Kwarteng.
I agree that we all need to plan in a certain amount of Social Distancing restrictions for a further ongoing period, as that is one serious contributor to making sure that the Corona Virus, once under control, STAYS under control.
We can now see some light at the end of the tunnel and we are sure that our Industry will get going again and be able to again welcome guests, but we agree with Hays Macintyre that different sectors of the Industry will take longer to recover fully.
I believe that what this means is that jobs are being advertised at the same historic salary levels, but I am not convinced that this means that that translates into higher salaries actually paid.
Monday 8 March 2021
This is a fabulous idea for concerned employers, I have signed up already.
Yes, it will cost some money after the end of June but for employers wanting to be sure, this is the way to go. My guess is this is the same as they are using for students and teachers, so they are making zillions of these testing kits, so the unit cost WILL come down and the Government WANT us to do this so they WILL keep the prices down.
This had to happen really, it is the only way that some operators can make up the shortfall and this is part of the new way, the new way we sell meals in the future that is.
BUT it definitely will not suit everyone.
Friday 5 March 2021
Certainly, this will only really affect the biggest businesses in the UK, but it may put some of them in jeopardy.
Please do consider supporting this Challenge, Hospitality Action does amazing work to help support people in the Hospitality sector.
This is at least one positive resulting from Brexit and will hopefully help more businesses to survive the lockdown.
Sadly, this seems to reflect the Government’s reluctance to help alcohol-based businesses, a bit like the non-application of the 5% VAT reduced-rate on alcohol sales, and the exclusion of alcohol in the ‘Eat out to help out’ scheme.
Thursday 4 March 2021
Getting the grant is one thing.
Making a community Pub profitable is totally another thing.
Call David Hunter on 07831 407984
It may be a bit misguided, but I feel sure that the Government have their reasons for not helping wet-led businesses any more than they are doing.
It does seem to me the Rishi Sunak is doing what he can.
Let us all remember that all this assistance must be paid back somehow.
This is of course good news but it only helps the much larger operating companies.
We very much champion the smaller owner-operated sector.
A useful event for anyone in the Hospitality sector.
Wednesday 3 March 2021
We get it!!!” The Hospitality Industry has been decimated by Covid 19.
Time to regroup. re-imagine, reinvent … STAY STRONG … and get going again asap.
Personally I think that the Chancellor has been very brave, and very supportive, and I believe that the industry will benefit enormously.
Let us all remember though that every penny spent … and he has spent BILLIONS of £££££s … will have to be recouped somehow … through increased taxes moving forwards.
We have all got to remember the repayment of all this ”borrowing”.
Tuesday 2 March 2021
I am sure that there would be a counter-leap in Staycation revenue to offset that.
We HAVE to keep the UK safe, to be able to even HAVE a future.
Let’s hope that extensions to the Furlough and the VAT cut are central to the Budget announcements.
This is great news for the UK Hospitality sector and will hopefully go some way to offsetting the loss from International travellers.
It is clear that London and other major cities will have much higher rents, but also much higher sales figures. This all depends on where those that advise the Chancellor have got their figures from and how those have been expressed.
Light at the end of the tunnel Part One a good read, watch out for Part 2 next week.
Monday 1 March 2021
The Government absolutely HAVE TO address and deal with this.
With the numbers of Hospitality businesses every week they MUST sort this out to protect what is left of our Hospitality industry.
This is great news for the UK brewing sector; now we just need the pubs to re-open so that we can all enjoy it.
Thankyou Rishi Sunak, let’s hope this is enough.
Friday 26 February 2021
Yes, we all hope for this cut in duty to help the Industry to recover. Click here to read article
This would surely help businesses that need to be able to trade consistently in order to even begin to catch up on their rent arrears. However, the landlords may still have to pay for their mortgages against the properties, so there will need to be a balance. Click here to read article
Now that we have light at the end of the tunnel, an end to this in sight, the Government could more easily consider some ongoing support that is now more short term than open-ended. Click here to read article
Thursday 25 February 2021
So, the age-old question.
IF this happens, and the alcohol duty IS reduced, will YOU take the extra profit generated, or will you choose to reduce your prices? Click her to read article
I am always interested in anything that adds innovation to non-meat dining, and so I like this, eggs are a good source of protein but are also vegetarian, so arguably better for you, in moderation. #Hospitality Click here to read article
It is heartening to see such a solid general increase in optimism, despite the outlook being so uncertain still. #Hospitality Click here to read article
This is a very pleasing report overall, and very good to see the high level of support enjoyed by tenants and licensees. #Hospitality Click here to read article
Wednesday 24 February 2021
This is wonderful news for restaurants that don’t have access to their own outdoor space, let us hope more councils can get behind this to help their local businesses.
This is great news for hotels and will hopefully help the Industry get back on track.
A useful insight into the regulations around outdoor trading for those looking to reopen on the 12 April.
Tuesday 23 February 2021
This was a predictable outcome as there are many establishments that will not have the space to offer an outdoor service. Click here to read article
An outline of the lockdown stages announced, but please do remember that these are based on the earliest dates and still are subject to change depending on the infection numbers. Click here to read article
For hotels this will work OK, but for local pubs it is going to be very hard to maintain this level of service. Clock here to read article
We agree with UKHospitality, and we are all disappointed by the delays in reopening but we hope that the Budget will provide the support needed to help get the Industry back on track once we are allowed to re-open. Click here to read article
Whilst yes disappointing, the government are of course going with Medical advice. Click here to read article
Monday 22 February 2021
If any of you have not heard the latest, then please do check the announcements that were made yesterday. There is now light at the end of the tunnel. Click here to read article
This was not a surprise but is still very sad to see given that we are now in our 3rd lockdown. Click here to read article
It is always interesting to hear other chefs’ opinions. Click here to read article
STAYCATION! STAYCATION! STAYCATION! Click here to read article
A few glimpses of new trends in the Industry. Click here to read article
It is not just the Hospitality businesses that are suffering there is a whole supply chain and service sector that relies on Hospitality. Click here to read article
This is good to hear. We all need to start recruiting now to get ready for re-opening. Click here to read article
Friday 19 February 2021
Please do help support UK Hospitality in their campaign to highlight the needs of UK Hospitality in the run up to the 2021 Spring Budget. Click here to read article
I am sure that Chef Ramsey will be in there supporting and representing the WHOLE industry, not just the famous names. Click here to read article
At least we know that Mr Sunak is considering the options seriously. Click here to read article
Thursday 18 February 2021
Rudding Park’s Peter Banks shares with us his Covid Diary. Click here to read article
It’s good to see that UK Hospitality have pulled together a Road Map to reopening.
We hope that we can work to these timescales but as always, we will have to rely on the Medical data. Click here to read article
We fully support this.
The Furlough Scheme has kept so many businesses afloat during the current crisis, and it is going to take time to recover. Click here to read article
Wednesday 17 February 2021
Where there are pubs companies struggling, there will always be others with money to invest in cheaper expansion. Click here to read article
This is great news and will HOPEFULLY inform the Government’s choices when it comes to re-opening. Click here to read article
Tuesday 16 February 2021
Sorry, but this is ridiculous.
Allowing pubs to open only for outdoor service is NEVER GOING TO WORK.
I do my very best to support the authorities but there has been a total absence of common sense in this suggestion.
What rubbish !!! Click here to read article
Monday 15 February 2021
The only thing that will ACTUALLY determine the reopening of Hospitality WILL BE the Covid infection rate. Click here to read article
This COULD revolutionise the giving and receiving of tips and gratuities. Click here to read article
This is good for those businesses that need this, but it could also be allowing business to build up more debt. Click here to read article
Yes, more opinion on the reopening strategy for retail and Hospitality. Click here to read article
Although quite controversial, this article does highlight that the high streets are changing, not necessarily dying. Click here to read article