Here you will find a collection of articles we have written, or found on a variety of news sites that we think you will find informative and useful.  Please do contact us if you would like any more details on the areas covered.

What does a hotel consultant do?

At the Bowden Group we specialise in providing hotel consultancy for owners and operators of hospitality businesses. What does a hotel consultant do? The main task of a hotel consultant involves providing professional advice to investors or individuals interested in entering the hospitality industry, as well as helping hotels, pubs or resorts which are already in…

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Opening a restaurant?

The role of a restaurant consultant when launching a restaurant

There are many aspects of setting up and running a restaurant that can be difficult, and it’s easy for things to fall through the cracks when you’re busy getting ready to launch. Restaurant consultants take on the burden of some of the key tasks when setting up a restaurant – we are mentors, advisors and…

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How a restaurant consultancy can help your restaurant

3 ways a restaurant consultant will help your restaurant succeed

We’re often asked what a restaurant consultant does and how they can help a restaurant to succeed. Here are 3 ways we help you to succeed (out of the many things we do!): Profitability Our main area of focus is profitability. We are expert at analysing your entire operation and analysing your key figures. We…

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